Course title

Personal Finance


Alg 2 with a C or higher

Course description

  • Students will learn the foundations of personal finance and become proficient at applying the principles to their personal life goals.

  • Students will become financially literate and able to reason through future financial situations.

  • Students will learn to behave responsibly with finances; not just have knowledge; so they will be able to achieve financial well-being.

  • Students will learn how mathematical models; practices; standards; and reasoning apply to personal finance.

  • Students will develop informed and ethical money-management strategies

  • Students will reinforce academic skills such as communication; mathematics application; reading; research; and writing.

School country

United States

School state


School / district Address

27801 Dickason Dr

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

Personal finance courses are generally not approved toward ABOR math requirements. Approved topics for advaned math include algebra; geometry; trigonometry; calculus; statistics; etc.

Online / Virtual
