Course title
Physical SciencePre-requisite
Complete Biology Level 9thCourse description
Scence does not have to be mind-boggling! The physical science course presents, in clear and understandable language, an introduction to chemistry and physics. After finishing the course, the student will have a better understanding of science, and a college-bound student will have a good foundation for more rigorous chemistry and physics courses. The first PACE has a pop-out section that includes a Periodic Table of the Elements and Rules for Solving Problems. Each PACE contains a short story interspersed between sections of the text. Each story deals with a particular problem faced by many of today's teens. The character, in the process of solving his problem, applies Scriptural principles and demonstrates character development.
School country
MexicoSchool city
Ciudad de MéxicoHigh school
Shalom Christian EducationSchool / district Address
Maestranza Lt 15 Mz E San Fernando HuixquilucanRequested competency code
Lab ScienceDate submitted
YesDeferred date
Deferred Reason
In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science, we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.