Course title
Physics I B Virtual (digital credit recovery course)Pre-requisite
Biology and completion of or concurrent with Algebra ICourse description
In Physics; students conduct laboratory and field investigations;use scientific methods during investigations; and make informeddecisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving.Students study a variety of topics that include: laws of motion;changes within physical systems and conversion of energyand momentum; forces; thermodynamics; characteristics andbehavior of waves; and atomic; nuclear; and quantum physics.Students who successfully complete Physics will acquirefactual knowledge within a conceptual framework; practiceexperimental design and interpretation; work collaborativelywith colleagues; and develop critical thinking skills.
School country
United StatesSchool state
TexasSchool / district Address
22602 Northwest FwySchool zip code
77429Requested competency code
Lab ScienceDate submitted
YesDeferred date
Deferred Reason
In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science; we will need a list of physical laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.