Course title

Public Speaking


English 10

Course description

PUBLIC SPEAKING Prerequisite: English 10 Credit: ½ Time: ½ Year This course provides students an opportunity to speak before others and gain confidence in doing so. The work introduces students to the many types of speeches that a person might make, and provides practice in writing and delivering each type. The instructor critically evaluates the progress of each student, also given an opportunity to evaluate their own progress in light of each experience.

School country

United States

School state

New York

School city

Huntington Station

High school

Walt Whitman High School

School / district Address

301 West Hills Road

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Deferred date

Deferred Reason

Per ABOR Requirement: "English must include literature and have a substantial emphasis on grammar and composition. Courses such as journalism, business communications, and speech, for example may improve a student’s ability in English, but they are not devoted exclusively to the study of English and may not be substituted for a regular English course." 

In order to be reviewed as a English, we will need more details on the English components / assignments covered in this course.

Expected grade level


Online / Virtual
