Course title

Spanish for Fluent Speakers I


Departmental evaluation of transcript

Course description

Spanish for Fluent Speakers I

This course has emphasis on Spanish literacy development. †Students will learn correct sentenceand paragraph formation; diacritic placement; spelling; punctuation; grammar; andformal/informal letter writing. Students will read famous short stories from the Hispanic world ofliterature and they will write reports.


Departmental evaluation of transcript.

Learning Activities: (Course Objectives)

  1. To increase the reading power of fluent speakers and to bring them one step closer to the goal of ?liberated reading;? that is; to the point where they appreciate and understand Spanish texts.
  2. To expand the students? vocabulary by increasing their awareness of patterns and word families.
  3. To improve the students? ability to express themselves in written Spanish by providing review and practice of verb forms and tense usage; and by offering ample opportunity to form both guided and free written self-expression.
  4. To enhance the further development of the students? oral skills through extensive and varied speaking activities.
  5. To encourage cooperative learning through paired and small group activities.
  6. To develop students? critical-thinking skills.

Instructional Methods:

††††††††††The teacher will use a variety of teaching methods. †Methods include lecture and note taking; audio visual aids; classroom groups and discussions; use of guest speakers; in-class assignments; tests and quizzes; performance based assessments; handouts; verbal assessments and other methods depending on the unit.

Principal Activities Usually Required of the Students:

Students will accomplish most of the required reading in class; but will be held accountable for any reading given for homework. †Students will also be required to take notes on their reading. Paragraph writing will be emphasized. †Also; students may have to write often in their journals.

Course Texts:

Nuevas Vistas Curso Uno Holt; Rinehart and Winston

Album †Rebecca M Valette & Joy Renjilian-Burgy second edition

The text are not available for use out of the classroom. †


  1. †Notebook or a binder.
  1. Pen (blue or black ink only) and a pencil.
  2. If you need to borrow paper or pencil; please let the teacher knows right away.
  3. Do your best to be prepared!!!

Extra Credit:

Students will be able to receive extra credit by participating in after hour community involvement projects; the completion of additional reports and in-and out-school projects; and the submission of timely reports; new articles; etc.; on current events.

Missed Assignments or Exams:

Students will be allowed to make up missed exams / assignments. †Make-up exams may be taken before or after the regular class day so as not to conflict with educational activities during the school day. (See re-take/re-do policy)

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Copying on tests and quizzes; cheating and plagiarism will not be allowed. Consequences for these abuses will be treated severely and may result in receiving a no credit for the course.

School country

United States

School state


School city


School / district Address

3150 S Avenue A

School zip code


Requested competency code

Foreign Language

Date submitted



Approved competency code

  • LNG1
  • 1st year of Foreign Language

Approved date

Online / Virtual
