Course title

Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation


Human Physiology Anatomy or AP Biology

Course description

This year-long course is an introduction to Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. It is an advanced second-year Biology course for students interested in biology, medicine, and related professions (e.g. medical doctor, nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, athletic training). The course focuses on lab methods, critical thinking, and communication skills needed to advance as a science major in a university. Students will participate in lab exercises dealing with Human Anatomy and Human Physiology and investigate the educational requirements and job responsibilities of medical professionals.

School country

United States

School state


School city

West Hills

High school

Notre Dame High School

School / district Address

7500 Chaminade Ave

School zip code


Requested competency code

Lab Science

Date submitted



Deferred date

Deferred Reason

In order to be reviewed as a laboratory science, we will need a list of laboratory experiments completed for this course and number of hours students spend doing laboratory assignments each week.

Expected grade level


Online / Virtual
