Course title

Financial Literacy


Algebra 2

Course description

This course is intended to help students function in a financially-based world.  It includes dealing with credit and interest rates; investments and the pitfalls of unwise spending/investments; taxes; consumer fraud and identity theft; renting/owning property; and setting up budgets.  To be able to complete this course students need understanding and exposure to rational numbers; decimal number system; percentages; ratios and proportions as well as basic statistics.  This course builds upon general math concepts to make it more relevant to everyday dealing of financial situations.

School country

United States

School state


School city

Rio Rico

High school

Rio Rico High School

School / district Address

590 Camino Lito Galindo, Rio Rico, AZ

School zip code


Requested competency code


Date submitted



Denied date

Denied reason

The course covers consumer math concepts and does not encompass college prepratory concepts outlined by ABOR.

Online / Virtual
